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The Dance Steps of Life . . .

The Dance Steps of Life . . .

There is a dance going on in our lives. As the dance steps reveal themselves, life becomes more like a flow, a flow of enlightenment from the Lord.

When a challenge presents itself to you, there are certain steps you can follow so that the nuggets of knowledge can be unfolded to you.

The steps go like this:

1. Father, I surrender my will to thee.

2. Go into gratitude, ( I thank thee for this difficult experience along with the pain I am feeling. This really hurts.)

3. I ask for Light and knowledge, what would ye have me do?

4. I Listen to the Still, Small, Voice . . .

5. . . . and follow the insights that come.

For example: One day, just seven years ago, a customer came into my line and asked to buy a pack of cigarettes. The guy looked underage, so I felt an inner alert. I picked up the pack, rung it in when the register prompted for his birth date. I had forgotten my glasses that day so I squinted as I viewed the small numbers and thought I had read it correctly. After typing in the date, the pack was sold and he went on his way.

A few minutes later, one of my supervisors asked me to come into the managers’ office. Guess what? The customer was part of a police sting!

He was under age and I was questioned as to what happened. I honestly expressed that I had made a mistake. In self-defense I explained that I did not have my glasses and apparently I mis-read his information. Even though I had passed these stings two times before, this mistake was going to cost me.

The next day, I was invited into the office with two managers and was informed that I was being dismissed – let go! I was stunned and in disbelief.

What was I going to do? I picked up my belongings and departed broken hearted and feeling over whelmed.

I had been with the company for just over five years and so was vested, meaning I would be able to keep the 401K from the company. I was already going on a paid vacation to a family reunion to Bozeman, Montana, and was able to follow through with it.

I knew not to become upset at my Heavenly Father over this. I chose to go into the following dance Steps of Life to open a pathway for me to see.

The steps go like this:

1. Father, I surrender my will to thee.

2. I thank thee for this difficult experience along with the pain I am feeling. This really hurts.

3. I ask for Light and knowledge, what would ye have me do?

4. I Listened to the Still, Small, Voice . . .

5. . . . and followed the insights that come.

I repeated steps one, two and three then listened and did as directed.

I heard that I needed to return to college and finish my bachelor’s degree in education. So I began to research what to do in order to take this new path. Then I went and enjoyed the trip up to Bozeman for the family reunion.

30 min after I returned from my vacation, the phone rang. I answered and heard the voice of my store Manager. He simply said: “Carolyn, the store policy connected to your situation has been over turned. I wonder if you would be open to returning to us for employment.”

I was happy about the turnaround; in fact my case was pivotal in overturning unfair employee policies. I told him that I would need to pray about the offer due to hearing guidance to go into a new direction in my life. I said that I would be getting back with him soon and give him a definite answer.

Oh my! What was I to do? I studied out the ideas and knelt in prayer. I felt the pain and asked with deep intent, through my faith in Jesus Christ what to do.

The clear soft answers came.

I heard that I had passed this test!

This was a test?

“Yes, you did not murmur nor complain. You surrendered your will to me and went into gratitude for the experience. Call your manager and share that you will be returning. You do not need to go back to college.”

“Yes. Thank you my dear Heavenly Father for all.”

Before this experience, I had had many opportunities to surrender to the Lord’s will. But this test stripped another layer of resistance and I was able to let go of my will vs. thy will faster.

Within every personal trial there is a choice to make. How will we respond? These are the dance steps I have learned, dance steps that bring me answers and peace. What will you chose when the next test comes around in your life?


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